The data science specialization of the mathematics major enables students to concentrate their studies in developing a deep understanding of the computational statistical methods that form the bedrock of this field. The Undergraduate Bulletin contains the official list of major requirements. However, students will meet all their requirements by completing the major requirements listed below and in the checklist, meeting the department’s retention and GPA requirements, and completing TCNJ’s liberal learning requirements. Below are additional program documents and other information about the specialization. For more information, please contact your advisor or the department chair.
Please Note: This specialization has been replaced by the Data Science and Statistics specialization beginning Fall 2023.
Requirements for the mathematics major with specialization in data science
Core Courses (12.5 units)
MAT 099: Orientation to Mathematics and Statistics
MAT 128: Calculus B
MAT 200: Proof Writing Through Discrete Mathematics
MAT 205: Linear Algebra
MAT 229: Multivariable Calculus
MAT 275: Sophomore Seminar
MAT 341: Computational Mathematics
STA 215: Statistical Inference
STA 305: Regression Analysis
STA 306: Multivariate Statistics
STA 307: Data Mining
STA 370: Statistical Software Development
STA 404: Computational and Bayesian Statistics
STA 498: Capstone
Options (2 units)
Students complete an additional 2 course units by taking courses of their choosing from among all MAT and STA courses numbered 300 or above. Students may count at most one course unit of independent study, guided study, or independent research (MAT/STA 39x/49x) as one of the two course units.
Correlates (3 units)
- CSC 220
- CSC 230
- A lab course in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics numbered 200 or above, with departmental approval.
Additional documents
- Checklist
- Liberal Learning requirements for math majors
- Four-year planner: 2023-24
- Past years: 2020-21
- Graduation and retention standards
- Honors
- Learning goals
- Science requirements